46th ak-adp workshop : Shaping the energy transition with atmospheric pressure plasma

Impetus for sustainability and economic efficiency

April 17 - 18, 2024 in Dresden

In recent years, the further development of plasma technologies has driven a wide range of applications in material and particle synthesis, surface functionalization, liquid and gas treatment.

The 46th ak-adp workshop will focus on new applications of plasma technology for environmental and sustainable applications as part of the implementation of relevant climate targets. The presentations and discussions will focus on

  • Waste gas purification and waste water treatment
  • Plasma chemistry
  • Environmentally relevant plasma applications

In these areas, various environmentally relevant applications of atmospheric plasmas have been developed in recent years, some of which have already been implemented industrially. The economic efficiency of plasma processes also plays an important role here.

The complete lecture and discussion program and further information on the event as well as a personal contact can be found at www.ak-adp.de including online registration.

An evening event and the established regulars' table will be offered in the tried and tested form. DAS Environmntal Expert GmbH will also be offering a tour of the company.


45th ak-adp workshop : Liability problems?! - Not with us!

Working together for more sustainability, quality and efficiency

November 15 - 16, 2023 in Göttingen

Adhesion optimization is a constantly recurring topic and quality criterion in many branches of industry. Plasmas - energetically excited gases - can help here quickly, cost-effectively and in an environmentally friendly manner. Surface functionalization with atmospheric-pressure plasma by means of ultra-fine cleaning, activation or even nanocoating can replace chemical and vacuum processes or even enable completely new functionalities and material combinations. Atmospheric plasmas are thus an innovative way to achieve greater ecological sustainability, quality assurance and an increase in the economic efficiency of production processes.

At the workshop, current work from research and industry will be presented and put up for discussion. The thematic focus will be on

  • Basics of the plasma process such as flow analysis
  • Comparison of ADP technology with other possibilities of OF functionalization.
  • environmentally relevant process optimizations
  • Plasma as an add-on for optimizing typical industrial processes
  • Implementation of DIN standards using ADP technology
  • new application examples of different plasma systems
  • Adhesion determination

The concluding ak-adp-talk offers further opportunities for information and discussion.

  • What is the best way to characterize the adhesion between a surface and the composite partner?
  • What role do the right analytics and process data play in effective process automation?

Under the focus "Measurement + AI for Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Technologies = Innovative and Sustainable Production Processes for a Safe Future", speakers and other experts and specialists from industry and research will be taking part in the discussion.

Flyer with lecture program: https://www.ak-adp.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Programmflyer_43ak-adp_web_compressed-1.pdf

44th ak-adp Workshop / 8th Workshop Plasma Medicine:From Research to Application-Ready Therapy

27 - 28 September 2023 in Göttingen

Physical plasmas (energetically excited gases) can achieve effects on biological surfaces and especially in human medicine by killing microorganisms and stimulating signaling and metabolic processes in cells that can be used therapeutically.
Today, plasma medicine has taken its first step into everyday medical practice. This applies in particular to specialties such as dermatology and dentistry. Plasmas also have great potential in oncology. Here, however, fundamental research work is still pending.

Current research work and the results of recent studies were discussed.

The thematic focus of the 8th Plasma Medicine Workshop was on

  • Characterization of plasmas
  • Use of plasma activated media
  • Dermatology, oncology, microbiological applications
  • Applications in medical technology / Presentation of new plasma sources
  • Presentation of study results.

There was plenty of room for communication and exchange of ideas during the workshop, including a guided tour of the Göttingen Health Campus (GCG) and at the regulars' table in the evening.

The workshop was certified by the Medical Association of Lower Saxony with 10 points of category A.

The flyer with the lecture program and information about the event can be found here:



43rd ak-adp workshop incl. competition #ZukunftADP: Industry dialogue for sustainability - plasma technology in best practice examples.

26 - 27 April 2023 in Leipzig / Saxony

What opportunities do physical plasmas offer in the establishment of environmentally compatible production methods? - Which new surface functionalities can be realized? - What contribution do physical plasmas make to the effective use of resources? - Which main fields of application does the industry see?

Since 2009, the user group atmospheric pressure plasma ak-adp has stood for technology-related information exchange, contact initiation and constructive discussion.

The #ZukunftADP competition, first held by ak-adp in 2021, was continued in 2023 in search of THE future topics in plasma research and industrial use. The combination of workshop and competition provided a perfect basis for scientific creativity with an industrial background.

The workshop took place on April 26 and 27, 2023 at the Grassi Museum in Leipzig. Discussions took place in an open atmosphere.

The competition was aimed at students, doctoral candidates, researchers and representatives of industry in the field of atmospheric plasmas. Ideas that identify atmospheric plasmas as a technology with future potential could be submitted by Jan. 15, 2023. Ideas, concepts and best practices for atmospheric plasmas were sought with regard to

  • innovative product development
  • Generation of new surface properties
  • creative approaches for overhauling traditional, established processes
  • Environmental protection, resource efficiency & sustainability
  • Energy, material and process savings as well as recycling
  • health aspects

The contributions were evaluated by a renowned jury of experts. We were able to win WOMAG as an exclusive partner for a publication series on the entries submitted.



42nd ak-adp workshop: Adhesion optimization for the realization of customized functionalities, sustainable applications & new material combinations.

9 - 10 November 2022 in Naumburg / Saxony-Anhalt

The 42nd ak-adp workshop addressed the following aspects:

  • Introduction to the application of atmospheric plasmas for the controlled realization of surface wetting for various requirements.
  • special cleaning, activation and coating processes
  • adhesive-free joining
  • Plasma modification of polymer and stainless steel surfaces
  • Studies on the durability of plasma pretreatment
  • Cold plasma hardening
  • Presentation of new developments and application examples of the equipment manufacturers

The concluding ak-adp-talk also offered a variety of opportunities for information and discussion. What is the easiest and safest way to measure the adhesion properties of a surface with the composite partner?

Under the focus "Surface energy under cross-examination", the provocative question was asked:

Test inks - humbug or fast and inexpensive tool for the practitioner?

Competent staff from the analytical instrument manufacturers KRÜSS GmbH Hamburg and Dataphysics Instruments GmbH Filderstadt were on hand to answer questions. Concrete measurement scenarios were presented for discussion in keynote presentations.

In collaboration with:


You can find the event flyer here.



41st ak-adp workshop: Atmospheric pressure plasma for hygienically sensitive areas: (waste) air & (waste) water, food & packaging, pharma &


30 - 31 March 2022 in Hanover / Lower Saxony

Exterior view of Königsworth Castle in Hannovter.

© Königsworth Castle

Applications of atmospheric plasmas for hygienically sensitive areas were the focus of presentations, discussions and exchange of ideas at the 41st ak-adp workshop in Hannover.

Königsworth Castle provided an inspiring ambience for the scientific and technical working meeting.

What is the potential of atmospheric pressure plasmas for sustainable applications for (waste) air & (waste) water treatment? Where are economically relevant applications in the field of food & packaging with a positive effect on the environment? What role do AD plasmas play in the field of pharmaceuticals & cosmetics?

The focus of the technical presentations was on:

  • Indoor air purification
  • Integrated disinfection
  • Surface disinfection
  • Plasma and plasma activated water and food
  • Plasma applications in cosmetics

The concluding ak-adp-talk with the speakers and other experts and specialists from business and research offered the opportunity for broad discussions. An impulse discussion contribution highlighted the current needs of the packaging industry.

The workshop gave impulses for new applications of atmospheric plasmas and showed ways to implement them. In particular, the panel discussion with the speakers and other experts and specialists contributed to this - many thanks to all participants!

In collaboration with:


You can find the event flyer here.



40th ak-adp Workshop: Atmospheric pressure plasma - innovation for

economical - environmentally friendly - strong

10 - 11 November 2021 in Jena / Thuringia


At the 40th workshop of ak-adp, special possibilities of plasma applications for particularly economical and environmentally friendly processes were presented and comprehensively discussed by the workshop participants.

The presentations focused on both a broad spectrum of materials that can be functionalized and very different possibilities of functionalization per se. Examples include, in addition to the established functionalization of plastic surfaces for better bonding and painting, electrolytic plasma polishing, coating of carbon fibers as well as metallization of CFRP components, surface modification and coating of particles, plasma printing and antimicrobial coating of fingerprint scanners. All presentations were discussed openly and broadly with interesting approaches for further work on the topics.

The focus of the technical presentations was on:

  • the treatment of glass, fibers, plastics and composites
  • Processes for coating and doping materials
  • the surface modification of particles
  • precise surface finish by electrolytic plasma polishing
  • the reduction of VOC emissions
  • analytical methods for the quality assurance of surface treatments
  • new plant technology

All participants who did not travel were able to follow the workshop hybrid.


The workshop took place in cooperation with the following partners:


You can find the event flyer here.



39th ak-adp workshop: Physical plasmas and plasma-treated
media for clinical practice

7th Workshop Plasma Medicine

22 - 23 September 2021 in Magdeburg / Saxony-Anhalt

© TillVoigt


Increasing interest of clinics in plasma medicine: The 7th plasma medicine workshop of ak-adp provided the platform for lively exchange of information between natural scientists and physicians. New detailed results of research work on the mode of action of plasmas in medical applications enable their targeted use in practice. In this context, more and more specialties in hospitals are using atmospheric plasmas in studies and in the successful treatment of patients previously considered to be out of treatment. The 2-day workshop enabled the approx. 50 participants an intensive exchange of knowledge and professional discussion.

The application for certification as a continuing education event for physicians at the State Medical Association of Saxony-Anhalt was accepted. The workshop counted in category B and brought 12 continuing education points.

The technical presentations focused on the following main topics:

  • Medically relevant effects of cold atmospheric pressure plasmas
  • Plasma-cell and plasma-tissue interaction.
  • Plasma-liquid interaction, plasma-activated liquids.
  • Plasma-based decontamination, sterilization and hygiene
  • Plasma sources for biomedical applications
  • Preclinical and clinical plasma applications
  • Current trends in plasma medicine

The workshop was held in collaboration with the National Center for Plasma Medicine.




You can find the program here.


38th ak-adp workshop: Future Arena Plasma Technology
Needs - Trends - Visions

June 15 - 16, 2021 in Jena / Thuringia (scheduled February 24 - 25, 2021 in Bamberg / Bavaria)

View over Jena


A major focus of the ak-adp workshops is the opportunity for broad discussion of current R&D activity and industrial applications of atmospheric plasmas. For this purpose, the ak-adp relies on face-to-face events. Due to the Corona pandemic and the massive restrictions caused by the lockdown, the 37th and 38th ak-adp workshops had to be postponed. In order to be able to offer all interested parties the desired professional exchange as soon as possible, both workshops were held as a double event with optional online participation in Jena.

The 38th workshop was held according to a new concept with the support of various plasma system manufacturers. This allowed the #ZukunftADP competition to be announced for the first time. The interest in the workshop was very high and the seats in the event room, which were limited by the applicable hygiene regulations, were completely occupied. Participants and speakers who were unable to travel were integrated online.

Workshop program 38th ak-adp:

  • In the first session, current plasma applications with future potential were presented and discussed.
  • Afterwards, the workshop participants were able to gain an overview of test laboratory offerings for atmospheric plasma applications for specific requirements from industry, as well as training and continuing education offerings.
  • The highlight of the workshop was the presentation and award ceremony of the works submitted to the #ZukunftADP competition.
  • The workshop was rounded off by a panel discussion on future-relevant key topics for the use of atmospheric plasmas based on keynote speeches by renowned scientists - many thanks to all committed participants!

In collaboration with:



You can find the program here.


37th ak-adp workshop: Atmospheric Plasmas: THE Clean Solution for Adhesion Problems

16 - 17 June 2021 in Jena / Thuringia (scheduled 11 - 12 November 2020 in Leipzig / Saxony)

View over Jena


Due to the Corona pandemic and the massive restrictions caused by the lockdown, the 37th and 38th ak-adp workshops had to be postponed. In order to be able to offer all interested parties the desired professional exchange as soon and as best as possible, both workshops were held as a double event with optional online participation in Jena. This concept was well received by the participants.

At the 37th ak-adp workshop, the technical focus was once again on the application of atmospheric plasmas for adhesion improvement. This application is still the most widely established in industry and new specifications are constantly being developed.

The technical presentations focused on the following main topics:

  • the optimization of bonding in terms of reliability and usable materials
  • Plasma treatment of natural materials, polymer surfaces, carbon fibers and wood-based materials.
  • new applications of flame treatment
  • InMold plasma for multicomponent injection molding

In addition, a session presented measurement methods and corresponding instrument technology for surface analytics in connection with plasma treatments. There is great potential in these analytical tools for quality improvement and broad industrial quality assurance for surface functionalizations.


In collaboration with:


You can find the event flyer here.


36th ak-adp Workshop: Atmospheric Plasmas - Effective Tool from A(ctivation) to Z(ucuture Technology).

01 - 02 July 2020 in Wittenberg / Saxony-Anhalt

© leucorea

On 02.07.2020 the 36th ak-adp workshop came to an end. After the workshop had to be postponed due to Covid-19, it could still take place under special conditions. The participants could inform themselves about topics around the application of atmospheric plasmas.



The technical presentations focused on the following main topics:

  • Functionalizing layer depositions
  • Powder modification
  • Shaping / Smoothing / Polishing
  • Sterilization
  • Plasma Spraying
  • Plasma in combination with other technologies
  • Presentation of new plasma sources for special applications such as plasma treatment of wires, fibers and filaments, 3D printing and exhaust air purification.

Questions of coating analysis were also addressed in a presentation on the determination of mechanical properties of nanocoatings.

The workshop was organized in collaboration with:


The program for the workshop can be found in our program flyer.


35th ak-adp workshop: Customized adhesion - atmospheric plasmas for optimized adhesion.

Innovative plasma applications for adhesion improvement

20 - 21 November 2019 in Nuremberg

© Oliverrode

On 21.11.2019, the 35th Ak-adp workshop in Nuremberg came to an end. Participants were able to learn about the latest findings and applications of atmospheric pressure plasma for adhesion improvement.




The technical presentations focused on the following main topics:

  • Plasma treatment of polymer powder
  • Flat plasma treatment of flat glass
  • Coating of textile thread materials
  • Composite layers with non-stick effect
  • Atmospheric plasmas for the pretreatment of plastics and films
  • Adhesive bonding in electronics and battery applications, power engineering and medicine
  • Multiprobe testing of adhesive strength
  • Flaming: application examples for different materials
  • new plasma system technology with application examples

The workshop was organized in collaboration with:

The program for the workshop can be found in our program flyer.


34th ak-adp workshop: Therapeutic use of physical plasmas and plasma-treated media

6th Workshop Plasma Medicine

11 - 12 September 2019 at the Protestant Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt

© Alupus

Brief description

Thematic focus is on:

  • Current trends in plasma medicine
  • Plasma medicine applications - clinical and animal studies
  • Plasma sources for biomedical applications
  • Plasma-cell and plasma-tissue interaction.
  • Plasma-Liquid Interaction
  • Plasma-based decontamination, sterilization and hygiene

This workshop is organized in cooperation with the 2013 founded National Center for
Plasma Medicine NZPM and supported by the Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (LEG Thüringen).

Download: Program flyer


33rd ak-adp workshop: plasma diagnostics and maritime plasma applications

15 - 16 May 2019 in Kiel/Schleswig-Holstein

Atmospheric pressure plasmas are an innovative technology for targeted surface modification and are constantly opening up new fields of application. The technology can be used for a wide range of materials with different structures and properties.

A prerequisite for industrial use is process reliability and process control. Safeguarding of perfect plasma treatment is to be achieved by inline process analytics and associated process control.

In addition to plasma diagnostics for process control and Industry 4.0, the workshop in Kiel addressed maritime plasma applications such as anti-corrosion coatings, UV protection, barrier coatings, easy-to-clean and delamination.

During the 33rd workshop, the following applications and analytical tools for atmospheric plasmas were presented and discussed:

  • Plasma diagnostics on different plasma sources
  • Determination of optimal plasma process parameters
  • Process monitoring on the way to Industry 4.0
  • Exhaust air purification
  • Anti-fouling coatings / reduction of biofilm growth
  • Corrosion protection through plasma coating
  • New developments and challenges

The complete program for the workshop can be found in our flyer.


32nd workshop
Atmospheric pressure plasma: adhesion specialist for broad applications

14 - 15 November 2018 in Dresden/Saxony

Plasmas at normal pressure offer great potential for efficient and environmentally friendly modification of surface properties. Adhesion optimization is the main field of application for atmospheric plasmas in industry. In this context, more and more functional requirements on surfaces for various processes and material combinations are being realized by constantly new and further developed technologies and plasma systems.

The technical presentations focused on the following main topics:

  • Adhesion improvement by plasma pretreatment or deposition of adhesion-promoting nanocoatings
  • Applications for printing processes, coating, long-term stable adhesives and primers on various materials
  • Presentation of new plasma system technology and its application potential
  • Surface pretreatment from local to large-scale
  • Integration of plasma processes into automated manufacturing processes
  • Plasma analytics for process control and process optimization
  • Concrete examples of adhesion improvement through the use of atmospheric plasmas

Representatives from industry, research and plant engineering are cordially invited to discuss current topics in the field of atmospheric pressure plasma technology.

Program flyer: Program_akadp-32 

31st Workshop: Multifunctional Tool Atmospheric Pressure Plasma

06-07 June 2018 in Bonn/North Rhine-Westphalia

Plasma polishing

Focus topics:

  • Activations and plasma etching in roll-to-roll operation
  • Plasma treatment of biohybrid fiber composites.
  • Process analytics and application examples for plasma spraying
  • Smoothing of metal surfaces
  • Plasma nucleation for metallization of plastics
  • Coatings with different precursors
  • Surface cleaning
  • Plasma characterization for increasing process safety

Program flyer: Flyer-akadp-31workshop_mail 

Workshop 30: Improved adhesion through plasma (pre)treatment

November 15-16, 2017 Jena/Thuringia

The workshop was supported by the Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH.

Focus topics:

  • Surface pretreatment as an important technological step
  • Adhesion improvement on plastics, fiber materials and glass
  • Adhesion improvement through activation or nano-coating
  • Various applications of atmospheric plasmas in CFRP lightweight construction.
  • Examples of the use of atmospheric pressure plasmas in the industry for adhesion improvement
  • New device technology developments and applications of plasma sources

Program flyer: Flyer-akadp-30workshop 

29th Workshop / 5th Plasma Medicine Workshop: Therapeutic Use of Physical Plasmas.New findings from physics, medicine and biology

13-14 September 2017 in Rostock/Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Focus topics:

  • Plasma-cell interaction studies
  • Dermatological applications of atmospheric plasmas
  • Applications in cardiology and oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Plasma activated media and their application potential
  • Plasma treatment of wound dressings
  • Discussion of the results of long-term studies and application observations.
  • Presentation of plasma sources with potential for use in medicine

Program flyer: Flyer-29Workshop 

28th Workshop: Surface Functionalization of Rigid and Flexible Materials

03-04 May 2017 in Hamburg


Focus topics:

  • Use of atmospheric plasmas for the treatment of plastics, glass and wood
  • Generation of barrier layers, non-stick layers, antimicrobial layers
  • Plasma applications in medical technology and for sterilization
  • Plasma technologies in the printing industry
  • Two-dimensional and site-selective surface functionalizations
  • Electron beam induced plasmas
  • Presentation of plasma sources and their concrete technological applications
  • Plasma Spraying

Program flyer: Flyer-akadp-28workshop 

27th Workshop: Adhesion Optimization 4.0 through Plasma Treatment. Innovative plasma applications for adhesion improvement

09-10 November 2016 in Jena/Thuringia
supported by the Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH

Focus topics:

  • Surface modification of plastics/polymers, FRP, metals and art objects
  • Adhesion optimization for various applications
  • as always: presentation of new developments of the plasma system manufacturers and application examples
  • new surface analysis for inline determination of the activation level
  • Chemical and structural analysis of modified surfaces
  • Comparison of large-area plasma and laser treatments
  • Applications for the process combination plasma and sol-gel

26th Workshop: Atmospheric Plasmas - Surface Technology of Choice

08-09 June 2016 in Aalen/Baden-Württemberg
supported by EurA Consult AG


The 26th workshop shows in 12 lectures possibilities of surface functionalization by the use of atmospheric pressure plasmas. Advantages of atmospheric pressure plasmas are the versatile possibilities of surface treatment with good environmental compatibility and inline integrability.

The focus of the presentations will be on the broad use of plasmas at normal pressure. The following applications will be presented and put up for discussion:

  • Use of atmospheric plasmas in combination with other technologies such as lasers, electron beams and galvanic processes
  • Plasma applications in the food and packaging industry
  • Exhaust air purification and treatment of water-dissolved pollutants
  • Inner coating of hoses
  • Presentation of plasma sources and their concrete technological applications
  • Non-stick coatings
  • Plasma syringes

Program flyer: Flyer-26akadp-Workshop_k 

25th Workshop: European competences in using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma for surface engineering

09-10 March 2016 in Erfurt/ Thuringia

n Cooperation with the Free State of Thuringia and its Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (LEG) and the Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research Thuringia (STIFT).
Conference language English with simultaneous translation into German

in association with the Free State of Thuringia and their State Development Corporation of Thuringia LEG bmH together with the foun-dation for Technology, Innovation and Research of Thuringia [STIFT].
Presentations in English with simultaneous translation to German

PLASMA GermanyLogo BalticNetEFDS_LogoSTIFT_logo.jpgLEG_Logo_ClusterM_RGB_300dpi

Program flyer: Flyer-akadp-25workshop

24th Workshop: Adhesion through surface functionalization. Innovative plasma applications for adhesion improvement

November 11-12, 2015 in Erfurt/Thuringia

In cooperation with the Association of Thuringian Chambers of Industry and Commerce and the Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH.

23rd Workshop: 4th Plasma Medicine Workshop

10-11 June 2015 in Göttingen/Hesse

In collaboration with the National Center for Plasma Medicine NZPM.

22nd Workshop: Surface Technology for Practice. Focus: Combination of AD plasma technologies with other processes.

18-19 March 2015 in Jena/Thuringia

21st Workshop: "Elegant adhesion through surface functionalization - an update". Innovative plasma applications for adhesion improvement

November 12-13, 2014 in Fulda/Hesse

in cooperation with Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH

Image sources from left to right: Fraunhofer IAP, Airbus Group, Fraunhofer IFAM

20th Workshop: Innovations in Plasma Technology

Anniversary Workshop of the User Group on May 22, 2014 in Weimar/Thuringia

In cooperation with LEG Thüringen GmbHLEG_Logo_ClusterM_RGB_300dpi

The user group atmospheric pressure plasma (ak-adp) sees itself as a nationwide practical exchange platform for all ideas and problems related to the technology of surface processing by means of atmospheric pressure plasma. The central task is to link the requirements of the technology users with the potentials of the technology developers.

With this focus, ak-adp has successfully established itself in the German-speaking technology innovation landscape over the past 5 years. This is evidenced by 900 registered interested parties and 20 interesting, well-attended workshops.
The presentations at the anniversary workshop provide a general overview of fundamentals, available plant technology and feasible processes, followed by insight into several specific possibilities for the technological use of plasmas at normal pressure.

19th Workshop: Functional Surfaces: The road to production

April 02-03, 2014 in Augsburg/BavariaLogoo_COB_Nanotechnology

in cooperation with Nanoinitiative Bayern GmbH

Graphic web_startpagePlasma CVD processes at atmospheric pressure are constantly opening up new fields of application in industry. Many modern processes are inconceivable without special cleaning, activation and modification/functionalization of surfaces. In this context, plasma offers great potential and protects the environment.

One focus of the workshop is on plasma applications on textile materials, but paper and plastics also play a role. Furthermore, several manufacturers of plasma systems will present new developments and their fields of application in production. Both new scientific results and realized applications can be discussed.

18th Workshop: Elegant adhesion through surface functionalization. Innovative plasma applications for adhesion improvement

November 13-14, 2013 in Ingolstadt/BavariaLOGO_lightweight cluster

in collaboration with logo-carbon-composites.jpg
Carbon Composites e.V. Augsburg
and the lightweight construction cluster Landshut


Image1_18ws ingolstadt IMG_4851_web Multi MEFV on GRP (11)_web

Good adhesion is the basis of all bonding and coating processes and other bonding technologies. Adhesion depends on the materials used and the ratio of the surface energies of the materials and substances to be bonded.
In 13 lectures, the workshop shows possibilities for surface functionalization through the use of atmospheric pressure plasmas.

Focus topics:

  • basic introduction to the use of AD plasmas for adhesion improvement
  • Presentation of plasma system technology and applications realized with it
  • Inline monitoring of plasma processes for quality assurance
  • Examples of plasma treatments of various materials from research and industry (metals and plastics, composites).

Supporters  logo-tigres

Program flyer: Flyer-18akadp-workshop 

17th Workshop: Medical Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma - Opportunities and Perspectives - 3rd Workshop on Plasma Medicine.

June 03-04, 2013 in Berlin, Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus (Mitte, in the vicinity of the Charité).Advanced training points

in cooperation with the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology e.V. (INP Greifswald)

20 presentations on the main content areas:

  • Basics of plasma - cell - interaction
  • Characterization of the effective plasma components
  • Use of atmospheric pressure plasmas
    • for plasma sterilization
    • as a new form of treatment in dermatology, stomatology and veterinary medicine
    • for coatings with antibacterial effect on implants and wound dressings

Lecture hall in the Kaiserin Friedrich Haus Empress Frederick House Empress Frederick House_2

Program flyer: Workshop plasma medicine 

16th workshop: Surface functionalization of plastics, metals and glass using atmospheric pressure plasma.

April 17-18, 2013 in Dortmund/North Rhine-Westphalia

in cooperation with the Economic Development Dortmund and the Network Surface NRW

IFAM_Abb_ak-adp_Apr2013 MicrowavesMicroplasma Schulz Plasmatrix2Brehmer IMG_0226

Program flyer: 16akadp workshop 

15th Workshop: Current trends in surface functionalization with atmospheric pressure plasmas - with strategy session of ak-adp.

February 27, 2013 in Jena/Thuringia

15ws_jena(1) 15ws_jena(2) 15ws_jena(3)

14th Workshop: Plasma in focus - Plasma characterization, simulation, analytics & applications.

16-17 October 2012 in Bochum/North Rhine-Westphalia

In cooperation with the ACC Plasma Technology of the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB)

The workshop was aimed at:

  • Scientists who wish to accurately investigate and understand the theoretical basis and mechanisms of action of plasma processes at normal pressure,
  • Engineers with expertise in analytical technology and instrumentation development,
  • Plant engineers who want to use appropriate analytics and measurement equipment to optimize plant processes and
  • Users of plasma processes at normal pressure with interest in stabilization and quality optimization of the innovative technology

13th Workshop: Fiber Composites and Plasma - Adhesive Bonding for Flexible Surfaces

June 13-14, 2012 in Landshut/Bavaria

In cooperation with the Lightweight Construction Cluster in Landshut and Carbon Composites e.V. Augsburg

Fiber composites are among the most innovative developments in the field of materials science in recent years. They combine positive properties such as low weight, high strength and good stability against environmental influences, making them ideal replacements or the basis for new concepts in vehicle construction and other areas.

The two main components of fiber composites are the matrix material and the fibers embedded in it. A sensible combination of materials for both components ensures optimum properties of the resulting composite.

Another way of influencing the properties of fiber composites is to modify the surface properties of the fibers or the finished composite. Here, atmospheric pressure plasmas offer an innovative tool. With their help, the embedding of the fibers in the matrix can be optimized. The surfaces of the finished composites can be functionalized in terms of their properties, such as chemical resistance, roughness, reflectivity, wettability and electrical conductivity. This makes the materials easier to process and opens up new areas of application.

The workshop presents the potential of atmospheric pressure plasmas for use in the processing of fiber composites. One focus is on optimizing wettability and thus improving the properties of fiber composite materials for bonding.

12th Workshop: Functional surfaces of textiles and composites in vehicle construction - light, durable and noble. Surface functionalization in lightweight construction

09-10 May 2012 in Chemnitz/Saxony

The User Group Atmospheric Pressure Plasma organized the 12th workshop in the framework of the symposia on May 09 and 10, 2012 in cooperation with the Chemnitz Trade Fair Company.

11th Workshop: New Trends in Surface Functionalization with Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas.

March 15, 2012 in Erfurt

The content of the 11th workshop is "New trends in surface functionalization with atmospheric pressure plasmas ". In addition to now established applications such as adhesion improvement in film finishing, there are new promising approaches such as the use of atmospheric pressure plasma technology in glass facade construction, in the processing of wood and stone and in the functionalization of particles. The further development of plasma sources also plays a major role here.

Following the lecture program, all participants are cordially invited to the annual strategy meeting of ak-adp. In the already proven manner, wishes and criticisms of the interested parties will be discussed here and the workshop topics for the coming year 2013 will be selected.

10th Workshop: Plasma Medicine

02-03 December 2011 in Erfurt/Thuringia

The therapeutic use of cold plasma sources is developing internationally as a medical specialty in its own right.
specialty. The application of physical plasmas may establish itself in a few years, for example, as the means of choice for combating dangerous hospital pathogens and introducing patient-friendly treatment methods.

Thematic focus:13points_blue

  • Promotion of wound healing
  • Sterilization
  • Implant treatment
  • Bio- and medical technology
  • Plasma characterization
  • current trends in plasma medicine

09 Workshop: Surface Functionalization on Plastics, Metals and Glass

11-12 May 2011 in Constance/Lake Constance


More than 80 participants attended the 9th ak-adp workshop at Villa Rheinburg in Constance. Research results and applications of atmospheric pressure plasmas for surface functionalization on plastics, metals and glass were presented in 11 lectures. Several representatives of research companies and firms from Switzerland were also welcomed.


1301310566_1781__6.jpg   1301310567_2626__6.jpg

08 Workshop: Optimization of bonding processes through the use of atmospheric pressure plasma - with strategy session of ak-adp.

March 17, 2011 in Jena/Thuringia


Around 70 participants from all over Germany met in Jena for the 8th ak-adp workshop on adhesive bonding. In 9 lectures on surface pretreatment, especially at normal pressure, the possibilities of improving the adhesive strength of adhesive systems were discussed. Aspects such as poorly coatable surfaces, release agents and heavily oily components were also highlighted and the various technologies for cleaning evaluated.

07 Workshop: Textile Surfaces and Atmospheric Pressure Plasma

01-02 December 2010 in Würzburg/Bavaria

In cooperation with the Nanoinitiative Bayern

würzburg_274x173By using plasma sources at atmospheric pressure, surfaces can be activated or coated in a very simple, environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner. This also applies to textile surfaces. Various positive surface effects such as the variation of surface energy are already being used industrially today.

Plasma treatments allow, for example, to impart water-attracting or water-repelling properties to the surfaces of textiles or to enhance their flame-retardant effect.Since the broader development of plasma sources that do not require a vacuum, plasma treatment has been increasingly used in the textile industry. In this context, plasma can be applied for functionalization or cleaning of natural and polymerized fabrics as well as on non-woven fibers. There is great potential for replacing expensive and environmentally harmful chemical liquid processes and realizing new functionalizations.

06 Workshop: Coatings by means of atmospheric pressure plasma

08. September 2010 in Gera/Thuringia

Within the framework of the Thuringian Border and Surface Days

gera_382x173By using plasma sources at normal pressure, surfaces can be activated or coated very easily and cost-effectively. Various positive surface effects such as the variation of the surface energy are already used industrially in many ways today. One example is the improvement of the adhesion effect in the film finishing process.

The content of the workshop follows on from the 4th ak-adp workshop in Jena in March 2010. The thematic focus of the lectures will be on the one hand a comparison of different plasma sources and coating deposition processes, plasma characterization and surface measurement methods to determine the coating properties. On the other hand, concrete industrial applications such as adhesion promotion and corrosion protection, processes for coating temperature-sensitive materials and applications in flat glass production and the optical industry will be presented.

05 Workshop: Adhesion improvement by surface functionalization using atmospheric pressure plasma.

09-10 June 2010 in Potsdam/Brandenburg

Auditorium 10.6.The topic of this workshop is adhesion improvement by surface functionalization using atmospheric pressure plasma technologies. By using plasma sources at atmospheric pressure, surfaces can be activated or coated very easily and at low cost. Various positive surface effects such as the variation of surface energy are already being used industrially today. One example is the improvement of the adhesion effect in the film finishing process.

The content of the lectures will focus on the one hand on the presentation of the fundamentals for a targeted modification of the properties of surfaces by processing with plasma sources at normal pressure for various materials and adhesion problems. On the other hand, concrete implementations and applications of the innovative technology in industry will be presented. ith the choice of the working gas, the energy input during the plasma treatment and the optional use of layer formers, the surface energy and thus the hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of the surfaces can be varied in a targeted manner. This makes it possible to set optimum adhesion properties for the surfaces. The use of plasma technology makes it possible to process a very wide range of materials or to replace costly vacuum processes or environmentally harmful chemical surface treatments.

04 Workshop:Deposition of functional coatings - hydrophobic, hydrophilic, barrier, et al.

March 18, 2010 in Jena/Thuringia

ak-adp jena_067The workshop "Deposition of Functional Coatings" on March 18, 2010 at the MAXX Hotel in Jena met with very broad interest with over 100 participants from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Representatives from the glass, solar and plastics industries, automotive suppliers, companies from the metal, electrical and textile sectors, adhesive specialists, equipment manufacturers, medical technology manufacturers and representatives from many other industries informed themselves about the current state of development and, in discussion with participants from universities and research institutes, sought ways to implement the new technology in concrete applications.

Special Workshop: Atmospheric Pressure Plasma and Medicine - Opportunities and Perspectives

02.03.2010 in Erfurt/Thuringia

Ak-adp erfurt_052 Ak-adp erfurt_087

03. workshop: plasma and flame treatment technology - equipment for coating and pretreatment

07-08 October 2009 in Dessau/Saxony-Anhalt

2nd Workshop: Corrosion Protection - Wear Protection - Scratch Resistance by Surface Functionalization Using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma

18 June 2009 in Jena/Thuringia


March 12, 2009 in Jena/Thuringia


Fig3ProtocolMore than 100 representatives from industry, plant engineering and research met in Jena to express their common interest in the development and use of atmospheric pressure plasma technologies. The Atmospheric Pressure Plasma User Group is a Alliance of interests. The central points of contact are the Internet presence www.ak-adp.de and the contact person Dr. Kerstin Horn. The new plasma technologies under atmospheric pressure conditions are to be advanced in a practical way. Workshops are organized quarterly on user-related topics.